Learn Service Broker

Learn Service Broker

Part of VMware vRealize Automation

Welcome to Learn Service Broker! This site is designed as a living technical reference focussed on providing in-depth information for the Service Broker developer - whether you’re new to Service Broker or an experienced developer.

The Getting Started section will provide some basic tutorials to help you on your way to learning Service Broker. The rest of the navigation reflects the navigation in Service Broker itself to provide an easy reference.

Learn Service Broker is written primarily by the Technical Marketing team for vRealize Automation, but we’d love for you to contribute! There’s an “Edit on GitHub” link on each page that will take you to the source code for that content - feel free to fork the repository and write your own - we look forward to your Pull Requests!

What is Service Broker?

Service Broker provides the user-facing service catalog of items that can be requested and managed by an end user. The end user can view the lifecycle of their deployements and perform day 2 actions, as well as monitor the deployment progress.

The cloud administrator can use Service Broker to manage and present simplified catalog items, customize forms, define which catalog items are available to which users and define policies to manage resource use, deployment lease times, day 2 actions and approval policies.

Service Broker catalog view
Service Broker catalog view


Last updated on 2 Jul 2021
 Edit on GitHub